Diane Yao - December 2022 December 1 - 31, 2022

Artist Statement: I go by Diane Yao, and I am a Madison based artist. The subjects of my art often include the things I experience in life. I photograph nature, buildings, or still life and produce works interpreted from those photos. My most commonly used art medium is watercolor. I like the transparent and luminous characteristics of watercolor. In 2021, I painted a new community library near Metcalfe’s Market at Hilldale Shopping Center. My artwork has also been published by the Yahara Literary Journal and the Ebling Library Corpus Callosum. Though I work in the financial field, I spend my spare time painting. Painting provides balance in my life. While producing art, I feel calm and peaceful. I hope to bring these feelings to others through my artwork.
Diane Yao - Instagram
